Ya’qub يعقوب
Abu Muhammed Ya’qub bin Is-haaq bin Zayd bin Abdullah bin Is-haaq Al-Hadhrami. أبو محمد يعقوب بن زيد بن عبد الله بن أبي إسحاق الحضرمي
Ya’qub was the leader of Qur’an reciters in Basrah and one of the ten main reciters of the ten qira’aat. He took his recitation by presenting the complete Qur’an in recitation to Salaam At-Taweel and Mahdee bin Maymoon, as well as Abee Al-Ash-hab Al-Mutaaridee and Shihaab bin Sharanfah, as well as others. He related from Salaam At-Taweel the idghaam (kabeer) of Abee ‘Amr, and he heard different ways al-Kisaa’ee and from Muhammed bin Zareeq Al-Kufee the way of Imam ‘Aasim. He also heard from Imam Hamzah in different ways. Ibn Al-Munaadee reported that Ya’qub read directly to Abb ‘Amr, which is considered possible by scholars since Abu ‘Amr died when Ya’qub was 33 years old.
Ya’qoob said he recited to Salaam for a year and a half, and then completed his recitation to Shihaab bin Sharnafah in five days. Shihab recited to Muslimah bin Muhaarib Al-Muhaarbee in nine days and Musslamah recited to Abee Al-Aswad Ad-Daa’iee to Imam Ali, may Allah be pleased with him. Ya’qub was very knowledgeable about the Qur’an and the different ways of qira’aat and the Arabic language. He died in Dhul Hijjah in the year 205 Hijrah at 88. May Allah be merciful to him.
The two Rawee of Ya’qub are:
Ruwais رُويِس
Rawh رَوْح
He is Muhammed bin Al-Mutawakkal Abu Abdullah Al-Lu’lu’ee Al- Basree محمد بن المتوكل أبو عبد الله اللؤلؤي البصري
He learned his recitation by presenting a complete recitation of the Qur’an to Ya’qoob Al-Hadhramee . Ad-Danee said that Ruwais was one of the brightest of Yaqoob’s companions. He died in Basrah 238 Hijrah, may Allah be merciful to him.
Rawh رَوْح
He is Rawh bin Abdul-Mu’min Abu Al-Hasan Al-Hadhalee, the leader of grammar in Basrah. Ad-Daanee said he was an honored, precise, respected reciter. He presented his complete recitation to Ya’qoob and was one of his key companions. He died in the year 235 Hijrah