Dar An-Noor

Islamic Education And Heritage Center

Dar An-Noor

Islamic Education and Heritage Center 


Ignite Your Journey of Spiritual and Personal Growth at Dar An-Noor

Welcome to Dar An-Noor Islamic Education and Heritage Center, your home for lifelong Islamic education and vibrant community experiences. Here, we guide individuals of all ages, fostering understanding, respect, and appreciation for the rich heritage of Islam. Our educational programs and community initiatives offer authentic, immersive experiences that inspire spiritual growth and personal development.


We aspire to empower individuals with the knowledge and wisdom of Islam, cultivating a thriving community rooted in faith and mutual respect. Our guiding star is the advancement of our students’ spiritual and personal growth, nurturing the seeds of Islamic comprehension. By doing so, we strive to preserve and propagate the legacy of Islam, making its timeless wisdom accessible to all.


Our mission is to nurture minds and hearts in the light of Islamic teachings, fostering a community that lives by the values of faith, wisdom, and artistic expression.

Our Core Values

At Dar An-Noor Islamic Education and Heritage Center, our behavior and actions are guided by our steadfast core values. These include:

• Lifelong Learning: Emphasize continuous learning, exploration, and curiosity.
• Community Building: Encourage unity, mutual respect, and inclusivity.
• Integrity: Uphold trustworthiness, honesty, and moral responsibility.
• Excellence: Strive for superior quality in what we teach and how we engage.

Our Team

We are fortunate to be guided by a group of dedicated educators and scholars, each possessing profound experience and understanding of Islamic teachings. Our team’s passion and unwavering commitment to help every student flourish is palpable, creating a warm, supportive environment conducive to learning. Each instructor embodies our core values, ensuring every interaction fosters trust, respect, and enlightenment. With their support, we continuously strive to fulfill our vision and mission.

Join Our Community - Become a Part of Something Greater

Discover the richness and depth of Islamic teachings with us and join our swiftly growing community. At Dar An-Noor, there’s a place for everyone, a space where engaging education meets warm, meaningful companionship. Together, we learn, grow, and make lasting memories.