The Two the same, the two similar, the two close, and the two far, Part 1
The meeting of two letters is of three different ways:
1. Meeting of the two in pronunciation and writing, in that there is no separation between them, such as the two in and the two in .
2. Meeting of the two in writing only, such as in : . Here the two are next to each other, but prevents them from being pronounced together, by the way we read (
3. Meeting of the two in pronunciation only, as in . In this case the alif separates the two from each other, but since the alif is not pronounced, the two meet in pronunciation.
The first type is what will be discussed in this and subsequent lessons; the second and third type do not enter this section or do not apply to the way we read. When discussing the relationship of two letter that meet, it does not matter whether they meet in one word or are in two different words, and the letters meet each other by one being at the end of a word and the other at the beginning of the next word.
The study of the relationships between letters is important to learn which letters can merge with others and under which circumstances.
The relationship between two meeting letters is divided into four divisions:
1. The Two Like Each Other
2. The Two of the Same Nature as Each Other
3. The Two Approximates to Each Other
4. The Two Far from Each Other
The Two Like Each Other
Its Definition: They are the two letters that are the same in characteristic and in articulation point.. This means they are the exact same letters next to each other. Examples of this are: The two in , or the two in : , or the two in .
There is an exception to this rule when two and two are next to each other in writing, but one of the two and one of the two are a medd letter such as in
and . In the first example: the of the word is a medd letter. The first of the word is not a medd letter. In the second example: , the of the word is a medd letter, so we the have a natural lengthening, the next letter following this is a with a vowel on it, . We then apply this exception of medd letters not merging into non-medd letters of the same type, and do not merge (make of of ) the two letters. This is in contrast to the or saakinah of which are followed by a or with a vowel, such as in: . In this case there is of the two letters that are the same (here, a ).
, or the two alike, has three divisions:
- The Small
- The Large
- The Absolute
We will continue, discussing these different divisions of and their application, insha’ Allah, next lesson.