He is Ibn Abdulrahman bin Abee Na’eem, and his nickname is Abu Ruwaym. He originated from Asfahaan and was black. He was a scholar in the ways of Qira’aat and the Arabic language. Imam Naafi’ was born in 70 Hijra and died in 169 Hijra in Al-Medinah. He recited to seventy of the Taabi’een, Abu Ja’far Yazeed Al-Qa’qaa’ was one of them. He was an Imam of Medinah Munawwarah in recitation after Abu Ja’far. Qaloon and Warsh related their ways of recitation from him. If he talked, the smell of musk would be smelled from his mouth. He was asked, “Do you put on perfume before sitting to read every time?” He said, “No, I don’t touch perfume, but I saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in a dream, and he read into my mouth.” From that time, that smell was found in his mouth.
Imam Naafi’ has two Raawis, Qaloon and Warsh. To read the rules of each of these two riwayah, please click on the links below: Qalun and Warsh
His name was ‘Isaa bin Meenaa and was nicknamed Aba Musaa. He was of Roman heritage. His Sheikh, Imam Naafi’, nicknamed him Qaloon because of the quality of his qira’ah. The word Qaloon in the Roman language means “good.” He was born in 120 Al-Hijara and died 220 Al-Hijara in Al-Medinah.
He was deaf and could not even hear a horn, but if someone recited the Qur’an to him, he could hear. Some biographies say the deafness came when he was older, but others mention it as if he was always deaf, and Allah knows best. The basic rules of the riwaayah of Qaloon ‘an Naafi’ and available below, with links to each lesson listed. The special words though, must be obtained from a mushaf that has the recitation of Qaloon or a mushaf of the ten qira’aat.
The real name of Imam Warsh, may Allah be merciful to him, is Abu Sa’eed ‘Uthmaan bin Sa’eed Al-Misriyy. His sheikh, Imam Naafi’ gave him the nickname of Warsh because of his extreme white color. He was born in Egypt in 110 Hijara and traveled to Imam Naafi’ in Medinah Munawwarah. Imam Warsh recited to Imam Naafi’ a number of complete recitations of the Qur’an and then returned to Egypt and taught people there for a long time. He died in the year 197 Hijarah.
The order of the rules used is the order used by Imam Ash-Shatibiyy in his poem on the seven qira’aat