Khalaf is the name of the tenth and final authentic (mutawaatir) way of recitation
Khalaf is Khalaf Abu Muhammed bin Hishaam bin Tha’lab Al-Bazzar Al-Baghdadi. هو خلف أبو محمد خلف بن هشام بن ثعلب البزار He is the same Khalaf who is a raawee of the recitation of Hamzah. He was born 150 Hijrah and memorized the Qur’an at the young age of 10 years old. He started as a student of scholars of recitation when he was 13 years old. He was a very trustworthy, ascetic, knowledgeable servant. It was said he had trouble learning a chapter of grammar, so he gave 80,000 dirham to charity until he memorized it. He disliked being called Al-Bazzaar and said call me Al-Muqri (reciter). He took his recitation by presenting the complete Qur’an to Sulaim bin ‘Eesaa and Abdulrahman bin Abee Hammaad, who both learned directly and recited from Hamzah.
The way of recitation of Khalaf has two Raawee:
Is-haaq He is Ishaaq bin Ibrahim bin ‘Uthmaan bin Abdullah Al-Maruzee then Al-Baghdaadi. هو إسحاق بن إبراهيم بن عثمان بن عبد الله المروزي ثم البغادي He died 280 Hijrah.
Idrees He is Idrees bin Abdul-Kareem Al-Baghdaadi Al-Hadaad. He died on the day of Al-Adhha 292 Hijrah.