Imam Abu Ja’far is the name for the eighth way of recitation
His name was: Yazeed bin Qa’qaa’ the Imam Abu Ja’far Al-Makhzoomee Al-Madanee يزيد بن قعقاع لإمام أبو جعفر المَخْزُومِي المدني . He was of the taabi’een. He presented his recitation of the Qur’an to his master Abdullah bin ‘Ayyaash bin Abee Rabee’ah, Abdullah bin ‘Abbaas, and Abee Hurairah. Those who took his way of reading and passed it on include Naaf’i bin Abee Na’eem, Sulaymaan bin Jammaaz, and ‘Eesaa bin Wardan. Abu Ja’far was the imam of recitation for the people of Al-Medinah Al-Munawwarah. He was dependable and talked little. He died in the year 130 Hijrah approximately, in al-Madinah.
The two Raawee of Abu Ja’far are:
Ibn Wardan
Abu Al-Haarith ‘Eesaa bin Wardan Al-Medani أبو الحارث عيسى بن وردان المدني
He was the recitation imam of Haadhiq and was a precise verifier. He presented his complete recitation to Abu Ja’far as well as Shaybah, and then presented his complete recitation to Naafi’. He was considered to be an old companion of Naafi’. Among those who recited to him (presented their complete recitation) were Ismail bin Ja’far and Qaloon. Ibn Wardan died in Al-Medinah around 160 h.
Ibn Jammaaz
ِAbu Ar-Rabee’ Sulayman bin Muslim, bin Jammaaz Az-Zahree أبو الربيع سليمان بن مسلم بن جمّاز
He was the leader of reciters in Al-Medinah and precise. He presented his complete recitation to Imam Abu Ja’far as well as Shaybah and then presented his complete recitation to Naafi’. Ismail bin Ja’far and Qutaybah bin Mahraan recited a complete recitation to him (Ibn Jammaz). Died a little after 170h