Birr al-Walidayn — Contemporary Scholars Showing Kindness and Humility Towards Their Parents

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Birr al-Walidayn

Contemporary Scholars Showing Kindness and Humility Towards Their Parents

Shaykh Muhammad Mukhtar al-Shinqiti (born in 1966), a distinguished Mauritanian scholar, is celebrated for his extensive expertise in fiqh and hadith. 

Beyond his scholarly achievements, his legacy is profoundly marked by his exceptional devotion to his parents, particularly his mother. Despite his demanding role as a sought-after teacher and speaker, Shaykh al-Shinqiti consistently placed his mother’s well-being above all else.

He would not commence public lectures or lessons without first seeking his mother’s permission, emphasizing that her satisfaction took precedence over the accolades of his students or recognition from the broader community. 

His humility and unwavering dedication to gaining his mother’s approval underscore the importance of parental contentment in earning Allah’s blessings. His success as a highly respected scholar and teacher exemplifies the barakah (divine blessings) that result from honoring one’s parents.

Similarly, Shaykh Tawfiq Dhamra, a revered Qira’at teacher in Jordan and author of widely used books on Qira’at, displayed a similar commitment to familial responsibilities.

According to our teacher, Shaykh Tawfiq would not accept speaking engagements abroad if they required him to be away for more than ten days. He explained, “I fear my mother will be worried, and my wife will feel neglected.” 

Such actions reflect the deep sense of responsibility and care these scholars demonstrated toward their families, serving as timeless examples of balancing faith, scholarship, and familial obligations.

One of our teachers, a renowned scholar in the United States, and a married father, exemplified profound humility toward his mother by seeking her permission before accepting any invitations for overseas speaking engagements.

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