Certificate in Islamic Studies

Certificate in Islamic Studies

Dar An-Noor is pleased to offer a special opportunity to join our Islamic Studies Curriculum for teens and adults. A five-level, structured curriculum covering key Islamic Sciences – from Islamic Law (Fiqh) to Prophetic Studies. Students will begin with the essentials and progress through to mastery of the Islamic Sciences.

Course Requirements to Complete for the Level One Islamic Studies

A. Required courses

ISL101 Absolute Essentials of Islam -- Getting Started With Your Belief and Practice (12 Lessons)

This course is the first step in your pursuit of religious knowledge. It explains what your religion is, what you must know about it, and how you should learn it. This course is taught according to the Hanafi school.

ISL102 On Worship (Purification, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, and Hajj) (24 Lessons)

This course provides comprehensive and knowledge-based answers to all of the questions that you are likely to face in your worship of Allah Most High, all in light of a formal textbook of Hanafi law. This course covers the detailed rulings of Purification, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, and Hajj. 

ISL103 Living Right -- Halal and Haram and Living Prophetic Excellence (12 Lessons)

Having mindfulness of Allah (taqwa) is a prerequisite for being able to benefit from the great guidance of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Take this course to learn how to have mindfulness in most of the everyday situations that you are likely to encounter in your life, such as eating halal food, proper dress, interacting with the opposite gender, guarding your gaze, and guarding your tongue. 

ISL104 What Muslims Believe and Why (12 Lessons)

This course is an introduction to the formal study of Islamic beliefs through a traditional manual of Islamic theology. By taking this course, you will gain evidence-based conviction in Allah Most High, His attributes, His messengers, and the afterlife.

ISL105 How Islam Works -- What is Religion, and How It Is Preserved, Transmitted, and Interpreted (12 Lessons)

This course is essential in understanding how the scholars of mainstream Islam have preserved the Quran, the Sunnah, and its understanding, from the time of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) all the way down to our times.

ISL106 Living the Sunna, Leaving Sin, & Acquiring Good Character (24 Lessons)

This course covers a practical manual on living the sunna, avoiding the sins of the limbs and heart, and upholding good character, written by the 12th-century reviver of the Islamic sciences Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. Take this course to learn how to be sincere in you quest for sacred knowledge by avoiding the sins of the outward limbs, avoiding the sins of the heart; having good character with other people; distinguishing true religious knowledge that is useful (‘ilm nafi’) from ostensibly religious knowledge that is not; sleeping, waking, worshiping, and living according to the Sunna; and organizing your life around regular spiritual routines.

B. Personal Study Units

1.  Seerah — Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and grant him peace)

2.  Quran — Quran recitation of 30 Juz with fluency

3.  Quran Memorization — Memorized last 10 Suras of the Quran, Surat al-Fatiha, Ayat al-Kursi, and the Closing of Baqarah (include memorized the meanings)

Learning Goals

Through the above 6 courses and 3 personal study units, you will be able to:

  • Understand what exactly your religion is;
  • Explain how your religion has been preserved;
  • Restate what you must believe about Allah Most High, His messengers, and the afterlife;
  • Realize how to worship Allah Most High;
  • Understand how to have God fearing-ness in dozens of everyday life situations;
  • Comprehend how to live according to the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace);
  • Summarize the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace);
  • Memorize the Arabic words and English meanings of the last 10 Suras of the Quran, Surat al-Fatiha, Ayat al-Kursi, and the Closing of Baqara; and
  • Learn how to recite the Quran fluently