Abu ‘Amr Al-Basree
Abu ‘Amr Al-Basree al-Mazinee was born in the year 68 Al-Hijarah, and read in Basra, al-Kufah, Makkah, and Al-Medinah. He had the most shuyookh of all the qurraa’ of the seven ways of recitation. Abdullah Ibn Katheer was one of his shuyookh, and he heard Anas bin Maalak and others. He died in Al-Kufah in the year 154 Al-Hijarah, may Allah be merciful to him.
Al-Imam Abu Amr passed on this famous way of recitation to Yahya Al-Yazeedee. Imam Yahya then passed it on to the two known raawee of this way of recitation: Abu ‘Amr Ad-Dooree and Abu Shu’ayb As-Soosiyy.
Abu Umar Ad-Dooree
His name was Hafs bin Umar Abdulazeez, and he was known as Abu Umar. He was the imam of the recitors in his time and is the first one to accumulate all the different qira’aat. He was born in the year 150 Al-Hijara in Ad-Dur, which is located close to Baghdad. He died in the year 246, may Allah be merciful to him.
Saleh bin Zayaad As-Soosiyy died in the year 261 Al-Hijara close to the age of 90. There is little written about him.